Friday, September 22, 2006

progress ... and delays ...

i'm making progress on my jaywalker ... the bright color is helping combat the dreary, icky, awful day outside. i know we need the rain, but still ...

it's also a good thing because Sock Wars is delayed ... i was totally geeking out about today being the day to start, maniacally checking my email for my target, and checking the forum for updates. when delays started hitting, people were posting conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and so on ... and then someone mentioned a "storm" in Belfast (where the Yarn Monkey lives). i googled and found this! It seems the start of Sock Wars is delayed by Hurricane Gordon. a HURRICANE! so much for there being a "storm". so i've resolved to be patient to get my pattern and target. *sigh*

Yarn Monkey, i hope you and yours are okay.

1 comment:

poseymom said...

Thanks for the info! I was getting antsy to start the wars myself!